Time for ACTION

March 16, 2012

I've been buying little things and even though I did terribly at math in school, I saw the writing on the wall. It would take years to get some real money if I kept buying and selling little things. This project is about going for it, right? Incrementally, take the plunge at each level and hope for the best?

Today I did that.

I don't want to jinx anything by boasting just yet, but I have a good feeling about it. Should be able to share some good news about the purchase of it by Monday.

Then comes the scarier part of trying to sell it.  Excitement ahead.

Click on the little words "Older Posts" on the bottom right to see what I bought!


  1. Gulp! Can't wait to learn what happens next.

  2. There's a great book called "double you money in antiques in 60 days"....the author started with the goal to double $10,000 in 60 days (8 weeks). He had a unique way to do it by breaking his overall 100% goal into 2 week 25% increments. He would take the 10k and make a 25% profit $2500 up until 8 weeks...thus. double his money at geh end of 8 weeks. Started with 10k.....weeks 1&2: +2500= $12500, weeks 3&4 +2500= $15,000, weeks 5&6 +2500= $17,500 and finally weeks 7&8 +2500= $20,000 ...doubled his money goal in 8 weeks...keep up the great work...hope that this information may help ...another good book to read is: the long tail (book about selling and how technology has evened the playing field for the little guys)

  3. Registration is very easy at dollarstorebd, which is completed within a few minutes and it is free. Dollar buy sell
